Know everything about Benefits of Online Retail Apps. Creating a retail app can be very helpful for your retail business. Do you want to know why? A recent study states that the number of smartphone users are currently exceeding toothbrush users. Isn’t that insane? Fact or fiction, who knows? But the excessive popularity smartphones are gaining has proven to be prominent. Most people around the world seem to be glued to their phones all day. They use various apps and practice internet activities, giving it a good margin to grow.
In such technology savvy times, it is best to keep up with the world. If you have a retail business, you should give creating an app for it a thought. Some people believe that offline retail is dying because most customers are switching the online means to shop. The convenience online shopping offers cannot be matched with the hassle of offline shop visits. Retail app development is blooming. Youngsters too are more inclined towards shopping online than heading to the stores to buy things.
Online retail stores have made it possible for customers to shop the best way. They have always provided massive choices, a high level of convenience and competitive pricing. At a time when it is unsafe to visit store outlets, online retail stores have given their customers the best opportunity to still continue their shopping.
If you are a retail business owner, creating an app for your retail store can work very effectively in your favour. Here are a few features of a retail app
1. Contactless Transactions
Considering the current times, we all know how important it is for customers to shop without staying in contact with the seller. A retail store app can accept orders and deliver items without any physical contact between the buyer and the seller. Even the payment is done via online means.

Moreover, it is very annoying t stand in long queues at stores to make payments. By creating an app for your retail store, you can skip all the trouble of being in physical contact. It will help you give your customer a contactless shopping experience which is very beneficial in times where the mankind is dealing with a pandemic.
2. Working Hours
In a retail store you have fixed working hours. That is not the case with an online retail store. Time is not a barring factor in the business. Your customer can place an order whenever in the day and you can get their delivered during your working hours.
This feature is beneficial for both the parties. The buyer can place an order at any time of the day depending upon their convenience and a seller does not miss out on their business. The working hours of an employee do not get hampered too. They do not have to work extra time and can give the company more business than sticking to their working hours only. An online retail app is a boon in terms of the working hours.
3. Wider Reach
Having an online retail app gives your business an upper hand with the reach that the internet has. You will only have a set of local customers visiting your physical retail store.
With a retail app you can cater to people who do not belong to your locality too. It widens your business’ reach and helps you get more revenue from your retail brand.
Constant promotion and advertising on the internet will make your app reach a lot of people. If they are interested in your app, they will go ahead and download it giving you a higher number of downloads. It does not stop there. They are potential customers who will eventually buy your products and give you sales.
4. Barcode Scanner
A barcode Scanner is a feature wherein your customer can scan the barcode on your product and get all the information related to it. You can have a barcode scanner feature on your retail store app. Your app will open the camera, detect the barcode, scan it and give necessary information about your product to your customer.
Barcode scanner is an extremely important feature in your retail app. This is because, the customer can get all the information they need all by themselves without taking the help of the managers.
5. Retail Shop Reviews
Your retailer app will have a feature of displaying your shops rating and reviews to all your online customers. Showing your online viewers, a glimpse of reviews from previous customers gives viewers a sense of reliability and trust. If they start trusting you enough with your products, they will turn into potential customers and show an interest in purchasing your products.
Good reviews and ratings on a store make other online customers want to purchase products from the store. Reviews act as an image of the store which online customers fully believe at most times.
6. Loyal Customer Base
Customers love to get appreciated by sellers on the massive purchases they make. With a retail app you can appreciate your customers to the fullest by rewarding them with cashbacks and discounts. An app will help you build a loyal customer base for your retail store which will help you make a good amount of revenue.
A loyal customer base is very important for any business. You can hold on to your customer base by pleasing them with various customer engaging activities and win their trust and support fully.
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Aren’t you convinced to make your retail store an app after reading this article? Get on to ON AIR App Builder today and make your retail store an online app. Start now!