Nehmen Sie Ihre Fitness ernst und möchten Sie eine App für dieselbe erstellen? Hier sind 7 Dinge, die Sie beachten sollten, bevor Sie Ihre Fitness-App erstellen.
Thriving mobile app technology has made our daily activities easier. Hundreds of thousands of mobile apps are available in the app store in the ‘health and fitness’ category to make our life more comfortable and healthier. This surge in the number of fitness apps is largely attributed to the fitness boom that occurred in the previous years with the advent of wearables. However, the trend quickly shifted in favour of the mobile apps because they can effectively control the wearables as well. In this article we will be talking about how Fitness app development can give a boost to the fitness sector.
These and other health-related problems encourage millions of people around the world to do sports. That’s why fitness app development is so popular today.
Another modern trend is of course the use of mobile apps – there are thousands of them for any possible aspect of your life you can only imagine. Technology makes many things better and easier. Sports are no exception. Apps and smartphones have become a huge part of today’s sports culture, and wearables are making a great impact as well, gaining more and more popularity each year. Fitness app development can help your fitness business go a long way
Health and fitness are predominantly the buzzwords today. People take resolutions to stay fit and active. Probably many pledges that they would maintain a healthy diet and would take every step to cut overweight. Fitness app development can help thousands of people to get onto their fitness journey.
Maybe, you are one who is very determined to visit the gym from next day or go out for a jogging session, but unfortunately, that tomorrow hardly arrives. And the reason cited is a lame excuse – didn’t find adequate time to visit the gym due to a busy schedule.
Well, even this problem has been sorted out too much extent; all thanks to the mobile app development industry. At a time when most of the individuals are hooked into their smartphones, the health apps have become their daily gym instructor or coach, whatever you may call it.

1. Einfache Anmeldung
Users hate a lengthy and complex registration process. You need to enable the first-time users to create their account with social media accounts. Or, you can make the entire process short and simple by asking for name, email id, and mobile number. The app will send the verification code (OTP) to the given mobile number, and the user gets registered. While indulging in fitness app development make sure you have an easy sign-up process
2. Führen einer Aufzeichnung des Trainings- oder Diätplans
The main function of the app is assisting the user in his day-to-day physical activities. It will maintain a record of distance travelled by walking, running, cycling and so on. Apart from that, the fitness app development will also show how much calories have been burnt, how much kilos or pounds have been reduced and many feet or centimetres the user’s height has increased. All data collected in the cloud base goes into the fitness stores.
Apart from that it also helps in preparing a meal plan in accordance with the weight and calorie requirement of the body. You can fix your own exercise schedule according to your convenience. And this is not all! The user can also plan his customized schedule personally.
3. Die Option Push-Benachrichtigung
The health and fitness app development always keep you motivating to achieve your goal and so, they set up reminders when you have to go for a workout or a jogging session.
It does not let you miss out your important exercise schedule or skip put a meal. Besides, if there is any new addition in the feature of the app, it lets you know.
4. Geo-Standort Einrichtung
This is one of the most important features for a health and fitness app development. The geolocation feature enables your app to monitor direction and routes when the users go for walking, cycling, or jogging. Also, it enables the users to know their exact location.
5. Die Zahlungsoptionen
Although most of the services offered in health and fitness app are for free, but there are some chargeable services too. And if you are selling health drinks and equipment, then it becomes necessary to add this option.
So, make the payment option convenient and offer different options such as paying through bank, wallet transfer or payment via card.
6. Anschluss des tragbaren Geräts
As the wearable devices have started gaining ground swiftly, it is beneficial for you to connect the app with the wearable devices. It enables the users to monitor or track their fitness activities on the wearables with ease. In a way, the wearable device connectivity also makes your app more user-friendly. Allow your app users to connect the app to wearable clothing devices. This will give fitness app development a more reliable fitness result.
7. Rekordverfolgung
Be it a workout plan or diet plan, your app needs to keep the record of the user’s activity and fitness schedule. From individual activities like cycling, walking, etc. to calories burned and weight reduction- the fitness app should track everything and show the real-time situation to the users. You can also add a functionality of planning a meal. Keeping track of fitness is the most important thing that fitness app development can provide.